My Rules
Advanced booking is greatly appreciated and highly recommended.
For first contact, which must made through the specified means (see my contact page), please make sure you supply as much information as you feel comfortable providing, such as your first name, age, general appearance, interests etc.Please be discreet and do not use explicit words.No withheld numbers please.
Have your ID available for me to inspect.If you don't trust me enough to show your ID then you need to look elsewhere for companionship.This is for safety reasons only.
To fully enjoy a meeting, you must be freshly showered, well-groomed, smell nice, and have minty-fresh breath. Please be respectful and always be a gentleman. Your kindness, generosity, and chivalry will be appreciated and rewarded.
The donations are for my time and companionship only and they are not negotiable.
No ad appuntamenti di 30 minuti, 1 ora. La prenotazione minima è di 2 ore, non meno.
No ai "last minute meetings". Prenotami con almeno 5 giorni di anticipo. Ho una agenda molto fitta di impegni, e non gradisco caos. Puoi anche prenotare 1 o 2 mesi prima.
Ricordati che hai a che fare con una super-modella, non con una stradale. Non accetto maleducati, maleodoranti, chi mercanteggia, chi polemizza sui prezzi e le modalitò e le mie NORME. Sono io che faccio le regole, non tu.